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July 3, 2014

Awesome Asciidoctor: Escape Attribute References

One of the many cool features of Asciidoc is attribute substitution. We can define attributes with values and in our Asciidoc markup we reference those attributes between curly braces. For example we could include the value of the attribute customAttr like this in Asciidoc: {customAttr}. But sometimes we simply want to include some text between curly braces without any attribute value substitution. We need to put an escape character (\) before the first brace and Asciidoc will not replace the attribute with a value.

Suppose we have the following Asciidoc, where we want to explain some Groovy syntax ("${sampleValue}"). Asciidoc will try to substitute the attribute sampleValue with a value if set.

This is a sample where we include +"${}"+ as a Groovy GString sample. 
The sample +"${attrValue}"+ should be unchanged in the output.

If we generate HTML with Asciidoctor we get the following output and notice that attrValue is changed to attrvalue (lower case v):

If we add the escape character no attribute substitution will take place, even if we assign a value to the attribute attrValue:

:attrValue: sample

This is a sample where we include +"${}"+ as a Groovy GString sample. 
The sample +"$\{attrValue}"+ should be unchanged in the output.

Now we get the output we expect:

Written with Asciidoctor 0.1.4.